Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homemade Cleaner...ooo It Smells So Nice In HereL

I hate buying cleaners. I also worry that one of my very curious children that gets into ev-er-ry-thing will one day discover the cleaning cupboard and decide to have a little snack. So I've decided - NO MORE COMMERCIAL CLEANERS.

My solution - Homemade Nice Smelly Stuff - and a bonus - it WORKS! And here is my secret recipe.

3 cups hot water
1 tbsp Borax
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (Of course any good smelly essential oil would work. In fact the Lavender might put you to sleep...maybe something Orangy to perk you up? lol)

Mixy Mixy and pour into a spray bottle.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you could make cleaner from home. Lavender cleaner sound divine!
